
This dataset provides spatial location data for aircraft in a specific geographic region. It does not contain helicopter movements or classified operations (eg. military, police). 

Data requests will only be actioned where there is a clear link to airspace safety. Examples may be in determining risk related to balloon operations; rocket launch and recovery; remotely piloted aviation systems (RPAS, UAS, UAV, drones); or similar cases. Each request will be individually assessed by Airservices for suitability.

The data may have limitations due to:

  • Insufficient surveillance
  • Inaccurate altitude, particularly below 10,000 ft
  • Necessary data merging of mixed surveillance information
  • Gaps between data points


Dataset Inclusions
Aircraft Trajectory Data
For selected geographic region

Format: CSV or Parquet

Time variable

  • Unique-id: – example 20240709-0500-xxx01
  • Date-time UTC     example 2024-07-09 05:22:10 
  • Epoch time UTC – example 1720502530
  • Latitude – example -31.123456789
  • Longitude – example 151.123456789
  • Altitude (ft) – example 5200 ft (AGL or flight level converts above 10,000 ft)
  • Ground speed (kn) – example 240
  • Heading – example 245.123456

Meta data

  • Unique-id: – example 20240709-0500-xxx01
  • ICAO Aircraft type – example A220
  • Epoch time UTC – example 1720502530
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