This data contains aircraft movement and track data and associated noise data where available, commonly used for Australian Noise Exposure Index/Forecast. It is only available for locations where Airservices maintains noise monitor infrastructure, including capital city airports. It may also be available to surrounding airports, however data quality may vary. Further detail on the data and fields is available in the Dataset Inclusions below.
Note: This product is not delivered through the Data.Airservices portal or API, and is typically delivered via email or secure data transfer.
Format: LT6/TXT
Track Data File
Track Opnum (header word and operation number), Event ID (correlation number), Trackstart Date in format MM-DD-YYYY), Trackstart time1 (in 24-hour format HH:MM:SS), Trackend time1 (in 24-hour format HH:MM:SS), Airport ID ICAO/IATA, ACID (flightnumber, tailnumber), Owner name, Aircraft Category, Beacon Text, Adflag (A - Arrival, D - Departure, O - Overflight, T- Touch & Go), Tail number, Other port (dest/origin) ICAO/IATA, Runway name, Min elevation relative to map reference point (MRP), Max elevation relative to map reference point (MRP), Min range (slant angle distance relative to MRP), Max range (slant angle distance relative to MRP), Count of track points, Track x y z v t (all points are relative to MRP, velocity (usually in m/s but dependent on feed).
Noise Data File
Location ID, Location Brief Description, Correlation Index, Start Date Time, Max Date Time, Leq, Max Level, SEL, Duration